8 things I did yesterday
1. Went to an Abs and glute class that is killer!
2. Talked to my sister Maria and felt loved and supported.
3. Cleaned part of the pool
4. Went swimming with Sam, Jack and Adam
5. Took care of Sam and Jack while Adam and Katie went for her procedure.
6. Ate yummy Costa left overs.
7. Took a nice evening walk with Daniel
8. Watched fire works from my own front porch, they were wonderfully beautiful.
8 things I look forward to
1. Tomorrow, its Fast Sunday, i love going to church
2. Next week, when Olivia comes home
3. My my birthday
4. The birth of our new granddaughter
5. Playing in Carlsbad
6. Going on a mission
7. Celebrating Thanksgiving in AZ
8. Training and Running the St. George Marathon next year
8 things I wish I could do
1. Hit rewind, my life seems to have gone by so fast!
2. Not die my hair and have it look good.
3. Make it on the Amazing Race with Olivia and have the time of our lives!
4. Know how to do needle work, so well that its not annoying.
5. Lose 10 pounds so that I could run with so little effort
6. I wish I could eat whatever like when I was a teenager or a nursing mother
7. I wish I were done with my licensing hours
8. I had taken voice lessons as a teenager
8 shows I record in hopes that I will watch sometime
1. So you think you can dance
2. Next food network star
3. Fox News Channel evening programs
4. Healthy Appetite Ellie Krieger
5. Criminal Minds
6. The Office
7. Lie to me
8. Fix it shows on DIY
everyone I would have tagged has already been tagged.